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Here Is a Quick Way to Create High-Quality Original Marketing Content

Updated: Jun 17, 2023

How do you create original content for your marketing in 10 minutes or less per day?

Join me on this episode of the virtual entrepreneur. If you're new to this podcast. A very warm welcome. I am your host, Herbert innocent, and this is the go-to podcast for entrepreneurs who see their business as a vehicle for change.

On our last episode, we talked about how to create original content consistently for your marketing efforts so you can promote your business without running dry on creative ideas. Better yet, being able to create a quality content that your customers will appreciate and enjoy as it solves their problems in helping them understand your solutions as well as your company.

With that said, On this episode, we're going to be looking at how you can create quality content in 10 minutes or less. Now if you're looking for the notes on last episode, simply go to Herbert marketing You'll find all our previous content, as well as the notes that is h, er, b e r t marketing

In today's episode we are going to be jumping into understanding how you can create that content fast. Now before we begin into that, I want you to think about one thing. There is this concept of leverage, and the idea of leveraging content is a very simple. It's being able to use the same content you're creating by repurposing it on different channels for all of us.

Usually we prefer to consume content differently. For most of us who prefer videos for most of us we understand content better when we are interacting with eight reading. For some of us prefer it to be auditorio, we know because we find it to be more intimate and more interactive and more engaging, whatever the process through which you enjoy consuming content, and if you're listening to this podcast, I'm going to assume you prefer, enjoying listening to content, whereas someone else will prefer reading this very content.

So as you can see there are ways in which we prefer digesting content, and some of us can't even read we prefer snippets. So quotes are better than an entire blog paragraph right there stats of how much, how many people can read in terms of the average national is quite low. So when you're looking at this and not just how many people can read but how many actually want to read is quite low.

So when you're looking at this how the way you repurpose content becomes very, very, very important.

Now unfortunately, this can be also a very time-consuming and very costly activity. Because knowing which content to average knowing when to average that content and knowing how to use that content for the best can be quite a costly activity, and that's what we're going to be breaking down how you can go about doing this.

The first way to be able to utilise these strategies is to ask yourself, which is the easiest method for you to produce content, is it just speaking, that is not in front of a camera just speaking in general, or is it. Are you a visual person, do you prefer doing a lot and tonne of research, and then presenting in front of a video camera, or do you just prefer sitting down and start typing. For a lot of people. It could be one or the other.

For me, myself, I found that I just prefer speaking, when, when you put a camera in front of me I will also speak into the camera, but in most cases it's easier to just speak into a microphone, and then capture that content.

For some people they prefer video, much much more. Now, the idea here is whichever method you prefer, you're gonna use that and then leverage. And if you can speak to it that means that you can create the audio tutorial content, turn it into a video as well as a written blog post, which can be broken down into snippets and you can just put in some images and then you're done.

So how do you go about creating this content? Well, the first thing you want to do is you want to create the key concept you take the key concept that your content is going to cover. So for example, in this particular content.

I'm covering time hack. Right. The time hacks, you can use to create your content in 10 minutes or less. So the focus of this is essentially creating content faster, original content faster.

Then the next thing becomes, well what are the key points you want to cover.

Now rather than right trying to write all this down, sometimes it's just easier to ask yourself questions. So questions could be, what exactly is this topic. Right.

What should they know about this.

What do they know that they think is true but it's actually not true. Right.

And then the next question could be, what are the tools out there. What is the mistake that people are doing in creating this content that is costing them a tonne of money and a tonne of time that they don't even realise.

Right. So, by asking these kind of questions, and what are the ways that they can leverage time even for the best. Now by asking these kind of questions you realise that you do not have to have any content you can just have those questions, because they're very general questions, and all you have to do is change the topic about which one to talk about, and all you are doing is you're answering these questions throughout your content, and that means they are prompting you, I hate that word but ever since I've learned I can't stop using it.

What this means is, those questions are forcing you to address very key areas that the readers and the listeners, or people watching the videos are going to want to know.

So for example, what are some mistakes that people make when trying to create original content.

And the first mistake is they try to go and look for something that hasn't been covered. Now, while that is very nice, but the thing is, it's not needed.

Think about it take for the simplest take for a very very simple example, not a mobile phone, or water, let's say you're selling water or your company is selling mobile phone services, right. Everybody knows you know, mobile phone service has come up with, either.

So let's say if you're if you're selling credit for the mobile phone services the top app and all those. Well, those packages are spoken, and usually, there is very specific information that the customers are looking for, what is the coverage, what are the rates, and will it work for this network will this work for my phone, if this if I'm stuck.

What do I do, right, these general questions that people have concerned. Now if you go about creating new content that doesn't address the questions that the customer have, then you have wasted your time. So even though your content is original, but it's almost too new, and nobody really thinks they need it. Right.

Whereas if you address the content that people need but you put your own spin to it. So you put your own authenticity your own voice, your own takeaway, right, adding a little bit of your own twist and how you present it making it exciting.

That means you're talking about the same content but it's original because it came from you, you didn't copy anyone else. Right, you're taking the knowledge that you have from working in this company and delivering the services, and you're simply presenting that solution. So the mistake here is this. You don't need to go and create something new. You just have to polish it up and present it in a way that is digestible and enjoyable and easy to consume.

For the readers. Right, so that's the first thing that you want to do. And the second thing you want to do is this.

You want to take.

So another question maybe this rather than trying to find what content should I talk about right, you want to talk about the content that your ideal clients are interested in. Right, so what are they interested in.

And the best way to know, you have to go to our previous episode, and then look into that in the new find out what are the current is doing, usually it's just the answering their problems, their questions, addressing their roadblocks and addressing the result that they want from your product or services, and that is really pretty much all there is to it.

You can also talk about their fears, which is fears holding them back. Some people are much more held back. Most people actually held back a lot more by fears, so that might be very very appealing.

So maybe talking about the mistakes that people have made. Right. So these are the deadliest mistakes right. And by doing that, it's a very hot area to go about, because people want to avoid mistakes. To get to the good parts.

So now you can see that you're going to go about many ways. Now the next thing is you're answering questions. And these questions are designed to address specific areas of concerns, right.

If you're talking about any two. How much is it going to be, so for example if you're creating content. One of my favourite tools to use in content creation is Canva, with Canva, I can just design something and quickly put it together. And, voila, when it's done.

So, if you have a tool we might want to talk about well, how much is Canva. Canva is around 19 per month, right $19 per month, or you can use the free plan that you can just get on both are using and then you can purchase images inside for as low as $1 per image. And what that means you can use this for commercial use, which is very very powerful since most photography.

What decoded.

For the stock companies will charge you up to 10 to 100 for the commercial licence of those photographs. So there you have you can have very high quality professional photographs without the expenses that comes with them. But the idea here is, I'm talking about the tool now right, so first of give you the strategy. I've given you some, you know, how you go about doing it and then I'm giving it to.

So you can go in with an approach of addressing. You know those questions that I talked about, and then closing it up with the two, But the idea here is this, you have a list of questions that are general, right, and then you the key topic that you're going to be talking about. And then what's left is creating a very powerful title and then you're done.

The best way to create a very powerful title is to create a title, addressing deadly mistakes or a title, addressing the how to do something is so titled addressing wanting, don't do this until this. And those are usually some of the most powerful titles, or you can say you know, powerful hacks for 20 for this particular year.

Now this will go outdated was the years change, But you can always update that the articles anyway later on. But the idea here is very very simple. You want to create content, fast. The best way to do it to do is select your key area of focus.

Then ask yourself very specific questions, to create that content, you just have to write down the questions and then look at them as you speak, answering each question, imagine you're talking to someone on the other side, and then talking, ask, answering those questions, if they're being asked to you. And when you're done here the piece of content right in front of you, that is high quality.

And if you've covered all your points, it's high quality. It's interesting, and it's genuine, as well as its original because you wanted, original content that is not copied and pasted, and there it is.

And the best part is you will always update this content with images and all those things, as well as transferred from videos to return to small snippets to know quotes that you can share on all the other media and social media platforms. With that said, I hope you enjoyed this episode, I want to thank you for tuning in on this episode you can find the notes of this episode again at Herbet marketing that is h e r b e t marketing help calm, and I will talk to you on our next episode of the virtual entrepreneur.

And as always, have a wonderful evening.



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